Wednesday, February 12, 2014

Urban Dad's Gentleman Daily Post.

A gentleman knows that the gym is a place for working out, not merely a place for socializing, and certainly not a place for finding a new love interest or attempting to impress others.

He wanted to build, she wanted to blame...

"He wanted to build, she wanted to blame... They probably could've worked it out but their focus wasn't the same... So busy trying to defend her position, she missed the opportunity to improve as a person, lover, and friend..."

Tuesday, February 11, 2014

The Fundamental Basic's Apply - From The Urban Dad To The Urban Son

 10 Eternal Truths of the Gentlemanly Life

1. A gentleman says "please" and "thank you," readily and often.

2. A gentleman does not disparage the beliefs of others -- whether they relate to matters of faith, politics, or sports teams.

3. A gentleman always carries a handkerchief, and is ready to lend it, especially to a weeping lady, should the need arise.

4. A gentleman never allows a door to slam in the face of another person -- male or female, young or old, absolute stranger or longtime best friend.

5. A gentleman does not make jokes about race, religion, gender, or sexual orientation; neither does he find such jokes amusing.

6. A gentleman knows how to stand in line and how to wait his turn.

7. A gentleman is always ready to offer a hearty handshake.

8. A gentleman keeps his leather shoes polished and his fingernails clean.

9. A gentleman admits when he is wrong.

10. A gentleman does not pick a fight.

Thursday, February 6, 2014

Today would have been Bob Marley's 69th birthday!

Happy Birthday to a great man, Mr. Nesta Robert Marley. Your legacy will live forever. The Legend!!!

"If she's amazing, she won't be easy. If she's easy, she won't be amazing. If she's worth it, you won't give-up. If you give up, you're not worthy. Truth is, everybody is going to hurt you; you just gotta find the ones worth suffering for." 
- Bob Marley

Wednesday, February 5, 2014

American Rhetoric - Ace of Diamonds

American Rhetoric - Ace of Diamonds

Below is a small excerpt from a speech by, Russell Conwell's speech 'Ace of Diamonds', I recently heard that resonated with me. I wish more young urban father's would take these word into account when planning their future for their families. 

My friend... introduce me to the people who own their homes around this great city, those beautiful homes with gardens and flowers, those magnificent homes so lovely in their art, and I will introduce you to the very best people in character as well as in enterprise in our city, and you know I will. A man is not really a true man until he owns his own home, and they that own their homes are made more honorable and honest and pure, true and economical and careful, by owning the home.
Listen to the Audio: 

To read more of the speech click here: