Thursday, March 27, 2014

The Gentleman Drink - The Penicillin Cocktail

The Drink of the Month! 

It may not be as powerful as a flu shot or have the healing properties of the antibiotic it's named for, but the Penicillin Cocktail is a surefire cure for a chilly autumn night. Originally created by New York bartenderSam Ross, the Penicillin Cocktail takes the warming, soothing flavors of honey, lemon juice and fresh ginger, and fortifies them with a good dose of scotch whisky. Check out the video below on how to make my new favorite drink. 

By the way, Comme Ca in West Hollywood makes the best Penicillin in the country.

Enjoy, and stay thirsty my friends. 

Urban Dad, 

8 Things That Only Truly Miserable People Do

An interesting article about wellness by Paul Hudson.  Be on the look out for people like this... Stay clear.

Would you say some people or most people are miserable? It’s hard to tell these days. With all the fake drama everyone seems to be indulging in, one has a difficult time telling whether or not people hate their lives as much as they say they do, or if they are simply reenacting an episode from the “Jersey Shore.”
Miserable people do exist, but I would like to believe there aren’t as many miserable people out there as there would seem to be.
With everyone complaining all over social media outlets all the time, you could only conclude that everyone in the whole world hates their lives. But this can’t be true…
There are a few signs that are dead giveaways, however. Here are eight of them:

1. They manage to find the worst in everything – always finding the down side.

A miserable person is miserable because the way he or she views the world is miserable. Their thought processes have been molded to always see the worst of every situation, the worst of every person, and the worst of any possible future scenario.
They manage to find the bad in any good you throw their way. Miserable people will point out the bad in any situation simply for the sake of glooming down the party — not that they would be at a party… miserable people tend to avoid those.

2. They hate their friends.

Misery loves company, but a company of miserable bastards doesn’t necessarily like one another very much. Miserable individuals seem to make “friends” with other miserable individuals.
I’m not sure whether they find themselves friends who already happen to be miserable or if they turn their joyful friends into miserable shrews, but those who hang out with miserable people tend to be pretty miserable themselves.
I mean, why the hell else would they put up with someone so unhappy? Not even quietly unhappy, but loudly unhappy.
Miserable people like to make sure you know they’re miserable. For this reason, it seems that only miserable people are capable of putting up with other miserable people. It’s almost like a cult.

3. They spend as much time as possible distracting themselves from reality.

Their lives suck. Well, they believe their lives suck. And because they believe their lives suck, they do their best to distract themselves from it as often and for as long as possible. They drink. They do drugs. T
hey indulge in other indulgences like reading, watching movies, watching TV for hours on end… Pick your poison. The problem is, they are trying to get away from something they can’t get away from.
Reality isn’t a choice; it’s a state of existence. You exist and function within reality whether you like it or not. Trying to get away from it will only make you more miserable.

4. The first thing they do every morning is get pissed off about having to get up.

We all have those days we don’t want to get out of bed. The miserable person, on the other hand, wakes up every day with that thought process.
When you don’t like your life, you aren’t especially thrilled to wake up and live it. The problem is, starting your day dreading the following hours only makes things worse.
Going from a miserable person to a happy one has to start in the moment you wake up. Start happy, and staying happy will be easier.

5. They give lip to whomever, whenever the opportunity arises.

Miserable people don’t really like people. They don’t like themselves very much, so you can’t expect them to like anyone else, either. For this reason, they like to give attitude to those they meet.
This is something you will see clearly in a bigger city, like New York. Miserable people will do their best to overreact or react inappropriately whenever they feel someone is annoying them.
This could be something as little as being bumped into on the train. They seem to have a switch that flips every time they get annoyed, which happens to be very often. Miserable people have no issue with being rude.

6. They like to point out flaws in others.

Miserable people like to bring others down to their level, usually by pointing out everything they find wrong or unappealing about a person. They will briskly point out your insecurities and pretend like they didn’t know what they were doing.
But they did know what they were doing. They wanted to see your reaction, to see if your mood could be worsened in order to be up to par with theirs.
Miserable people like to make themselves believe the world really is as ugly as they see it, so they go pointing out the flaws and waiting for someone to agree with them, reaffirming their beliefs that what they are looking at really is as ugly and awful as they believe it to be.

7. They don’t like themselves very much, but still think they’re better than the rest of the world.

Miserable people are miserable, first and foremost, because they don’t like themselves very much. It may not even be all of them; it could just be one aspect of them that they find flawed that is weighing heavily on their minds.
The flaws they see may not even really exist, but they believe they do and that’s enough for them. They don’t like themselves very much, but their egos still force them to hold themselves in the highest regard.
What does this result in? Their belief that even though they may be a piece of sh*t, they’re the best piece of sh*t on the planet. They may suck, but they believe everyone else sucks more.

8. They believe those who are happy must be ignorant, yet are still jealous they can’t be as happy themselves.

Ignorance is bliss and bliss is happiness. Well… not exactly. Being ignorant may make you happy, but that doesn’t necessarily mean that you can’t be happy if you’re not ignorant.
Miserable people would do much better trying to figure out how it is that happy people can be as happy as they are, instead of telling them they shouldn’t be happy – that if they were smarter, more intelligent, they would be just as miserable as they.
Maybe those people know something that the miserable person doesn’t. Being miserable is fixable, but only if you believe someone out there has it right – even if you yourself don’t.
Photo via We Heart It

Monday, March 24, 2014

15 Red Flags Not to Ignore In Any Relationship

Interesting article by Brenda Della Casa 

Ever feel as though you always find yourself in situations with the slightly shady? Take off the rose-colored glasses and pay attention to these bright red flags. Your sanity (and friends who care about you) will thank you.

1. Boundaries, What Are Those?
Whether it's a "joke" at your expense, language you don't appreciate, or pressing you to share information you have been clear you deem private, anyone who doesn't respect your right to your own space (emotional, personal, physical or mental) is going to have you going from 0-to-frustrated in no time.

2. They Spill Your Secrets
Look, everyone has a slip-up now and then, but when the person you have sworn to secrecy just happens to slip right in front of the one person you asked them not to, chances are it wasn't an accident. If it happens twice, you've got yourself a bonafide frenemy.

3. They Freak Out
In college, your roommate leaving you at the bar was dragged-out fight, drama-worthy, but we are all adults here. Unless there is a fire or a real reason to scream, yell, send 100 rapid-fire texts and run around like Charlie Sheen at a Hollywood Hills after-party, take freak outs as frustrating proof that the person in front of you can't control their emotions. Whether this is caused by anxiety, immaturity and/or a tendency to bully, it's not something you need to deal with.

4. They Stonewall You
Uh-oh, they are mad at you, or you have hit a topic they don't like to discuss. You know what that means, you're suddenly being told they won't listen to what you have to say by way of jumping off of the phone, ignoring your texts/calls, reminding you they are stressed or saying it's not the right time (again). No one likes discussing touchy topics, but if you are never heard, perhaps you should move on and converse with someone who actually cares about the feelings -- and person -- behind the words you're trying to say.

5. They Lie
If your new pal or partner just changes the truth when they don't like the way a conversation is going, it's a huge red flag. No trust, no relationship. End of story.

6. They Get Too Close Too Soon
Yes, there are some people who just "click," but bonds take time to build, so guess what? They don't really love you on week two, and that new acquaintance has yet to earn the bestie title.

7. They Disrespect You
Everyone gets upset, has stress and gets pissed, but how we deal under pressure gives others a clear view into our character. Calling someone names or treating someone like your own personal verbal punching bag says more about them (and what you'll be dealing with every time they get upset) than the words coming out of their mouth. Note: This is true even if they are berating that annoying customer service agent on the phone. People who can treat anyone that way will eventually treat everyone that way.

8. He/She Makes "Suggestions" As To How To Improve Your Looks or Life
It may feel like he or she is being helpful, or even caring, but giving unsolicited advice in these areas can be a real sign that someone wants to control you. You have been you for decades and if you're happy with that, he should be, too. Unless you mention that you want to change something and he offers to help, take note.

9. They Always Want Something From You
You've come to realize that the random "thinking of you" text always has a string. Friends should always be there for one another, but if someone is always looking to take, it's time to tell them to take a walk.

10. Hey, It's Not My Fault
We are all going to do things to screw up, and unless we're talking huge betrayals, it's often how we handle ourselves after the screw up that determines the fate of our relationships. If the person you are dealing with has an excuse for the inexcusable, tread lightly. Other clues you're dealing with a blame-shifter: He or she blames all of his exes for break-ups, bosses for job losses and plays the victim in situations where they clearly have equal control.

11. Your Friends Hate Them
Your real friends love you and want the best for you, and if one person says something, you can chalk it up to a personality clash -- but if you're hearing comments or crickets every time you mention him or her, sit up and take notice.

12. They Hate Your Friends
Not everyone is going to want to go out for a drink with every new person you meet, but if your new girl or guy is constantly making comments in an attempt to get you to question your relationships with your friends or family members, something is up. Your guard should be, too.

13. Manipulative Much?
It sounds crazy (because it is) but some people will tell you that you have said and done things you didn't and that you're overreacting when you're not. These are the same people who will kick you in the shin and say "ouch" either literally or figuratively (literally would be both funny and insane). Gaslighting and crazy-making are common attributes of abusers, so steer clear.

14. You Never See Each Other
In this day and age, it is common for people to text more than they actually speak to one another, but if you've been texting more than 10 days with no plans to meet up, you're likely one of many women he's garnering attention from. That's not a relationship worthy of your time. Stay friends if you want to, but move. Keep your "fan" status for your favorite pop star.

15. That Old Uneasy Feeling
Intuition is a real thing, and we all have it. Trust yours.

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