For everyone who wants to play tennis with me, here are some basic rules

- Allways Two Cans of balls. Don't be the dick who shows up empty-handed.
-Ignore foot-faults (no Serena meltdowns). BTW, 94% of recreational players foot-fault. Its just part of the game.

-Line calls you make: If its close, it's in.
-Suspect Line calls: Third bad call, walk halfway to the net, peer toward the spot the ball landed, then walk back to the baseline and resume play.
FYI. If you plan on hooking me... Trust me, you will lose this game. Better ask somebody!
- A little light cursing is fine, shows you care, suggest you're trying. Unless there are children on the next court.
FYI. its sort of corny to curse... very high school...
- No throwing the racket. If you must, a racket dropped with just the right measure of disgust is every bit effective. (Johnny Mac meltdowns, aren't cool... Why, Because Johnny Mac is awesome and you're not...)
-As Red Auerbach once said to Charlie Pierce, "If you're keeping score, win."
-And then buy the beer.
FYI, Heineken if we're playing.
FYI, Heineken if we're playing.
Just some friendly Urban Dad tennis etiquette tidbits on how to play tennis with your friends.
--Damu aka tennis expert.

hahha, love this. Well played. What's your take on Seles-esque sound effects?