We’ve learned a lot, that we can be sure of. Christmas day just passed, and whether you were surrounded by a huge loving family or sat this one out alone (I just did the latter) my wish for you is that you will see the the good of the season, reflect on the things that matter and above all, nurture the hope that keeps us all moving forward and capable of enjoying the days in front of us. Love the ones you’re with. Respect the ones who came before.
Comfort and give compassion to the ones less fortunate. That’s all we can ask of each other every day of the year, but it’s nice to have a season in the calendar where we can earnestly reflect on that, sort of take an emotional inventory and see how we are measuring up to the standards we set for ourselves.
That’s what I hope for this coming year. Yes, Peace on earth, always. But more importantly, peace within.
So I raise my glass to you and offer a very sincere Happy New Year!
Blessed is the season which engages the whole world in a conspiracy of love.
–Hamilton Wright Mabie
Damu - aka Urban Dad